Australian Directory of Local Florists
The Petals Network Directory of Australian florists gives you a comprehensive list of local florists and their service information for just about every location in Australia.
Petals has over 1,050 member florists in our quality controlled network of Australian florists. All of our florists are regularly monitored for customer satisfaction and many have customer satisfaction scores on their listings with Petals.
If you are not sure of the florist you want, you can place your order directly with Petals here and we will find you a professional florist and track your order through the system.
If you are a florist who wishes to be listed in our Directory, visit a page covering your area and click on the "florist information" links in the bottom part of the listings.
There are estimated to be 2,500 florists in Australia. Petals offers them membership of our network and over 1,050 have joined or approximately 42%. Among other services, we offer Australian florists listing in our catalogue of florists throughout Australia. This catalogue or list of Australian florists permits consumers to locate a local florist in virtually every part of Australia where there is sufficient population to sustain a florist.
Our list of Australian florists not only gives you business names, it also provides a link to the florist's website, an indication of the products and services they offer and often reviews by users of their service.
For quick, convenient access to quality controlled Australian florists ,you are welcome to use our catalogue of Australian florists.