Flower Delivery with the Petals Online Florist Directory
Florists around the world take pride in providing fresh flowers
and often gift baskets. By using the Petals Florists Directory,
you can quickly locate a florist near the delivery location
and contact them regarding the gift.
The Petals Florist Directory is a comprehensive directory of florists throughout Australia, New Zealand,
Canada, United States and the United Kingdom. Order flowers for delivery to over 100
countries worldwide with Petals. You can contact the florists via e-mail, telephone or place your order online.

Why use the Petals Online Florists Directory for Flower Deliveries?
All florists listed in the directory are local florists. Local florists
are more likely to be able to deliver your floral gift same day or at short
notice because they are located in the delivery area.
If you are really in a hurry or if you don't have a special
preference for the florist to use, let Petals take your order
for you and forward it on to a professional quality-assured
florist in the delivery area.
How do you search for a florist shop?
The Petals Florist Directory is easy to use. Just type in
the postcode/zipcode or the name of the city/town that you're
wanting to send your order to, click 'Search',
and you'll be presented with a list of florists for that area.
Once you have a list of florist shops, you can choose the
florist that you'd like to use, and contact them directly using
the contact details that have been provided alongside the florist's
business name.
Are all florists in the online florist directory the same?
The Petals Florist Directory is a comprehensive catalogue
of local florists. The Petals Florist directory lists many florists who are not members of the Petals
Network. In turn, this means we can not offer any assurances
about their service and quality.
Petals members are quality-assured and you can be confident
of their service and quality. We also display Petals Members
towards the top of our listings so we encourage you to use these
florists wherever possible.
About Petals Worldwide Florist Network
Petals Network is one of Australia’s premier flower delivery services proudly connecting customers with the world’s best local florists for more than 20 years. You can send flowers to over 100 countries worldwide. All of Petals’ flower arrangements are artistically arranged and hand-delivered using only the freshest flowers available through its member florist network.
Petals has over 1,600 member florists throughout Australia, New Zealand and the UK, with an additional 20,000 affiliated florists worldwide.
This extensive network, coupled with our commitment to exceptional customer service, means that when you send flowers from Petals, you can be confident that you’re sending the best.
It's easy to send flowers to friends & family across the world with Petals!
Flower Delivery to Over 100 Countries Worldwide!
Petals Florist Directory uses the services of over 20,000 florists
worldwide. Our florist directory operates throughout 5 countries. Find a local florist in Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, the United States and Canada.