About Flower Delivery with the Petals Florist Directory

Why use the Petals Florist Directory for your flower orders?

The Petals Florist Directory gives you the ability to locate and choose the particular florist that you'd like to use to fill your floral order. This feature can be extra handy when you're searching around for a particular florist that specialises in a certain area (for example, weddings, christenings, roses or even gift baskets!) It's so easy to use... just type in the name of the city/town (or use postcode) that you're wanting to send your order to, click 'Go', and you'll be presented with a list of florists for that area.

The Petals directory has been operating for several years, and has recently been updated with coverage extended to over 40,000 florists worldwide. So if you want to send flowers to Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom or anywhere in the world you can trust you’re order to Petals to make sure that it is delivered by a real local florist.

Use the search functions listed above to locate a florist now!

Please Note: The Petals Florist Directory is a comprehensive catalogue of all the florists throughout Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the United States, and the United Kingdom that Petals Network knows of! Because this Directory contains ALL florists, not every florist listed here is a member of Petals Network.



Florists in Australia Florists in New Zealand Florists in Great Britain    
Florists Sydney
Florists Brisbane
Florists Adelaide
Florists Melbourne
Florists Perth
Florists Newcastle
Florists Wollongong
Florists Geelong
Florists Hobart
Florists Canberra
Florists Darwin
Florists Auckland
Florists Wellington
Florists Christchurch
Florists Napier
Florists Dunedin
Florists Invercargill
Florists New Plymouth
Florists Gisborne
Florists Hamilton
Florists Hastings
Florists Nelson
Florists London
Florists Glasgow
Florists Birmingham
Florists Liverpool
Florists Edinburgh
Florists Sheffield
Florists Leeds
Florists Bristol
Florists Manchester
Florists Leicester
Florists Coventry