The Petals Florist Directory is designed to bring targeted traffic to real local professional florists rather than allowing orders to go to order gathers, supermarkets and flowers-by-post florists.
Being displayed on the Petals Florist Directory in the un-registered or registered section of the listings does not mean that you are a member of Petals, it just means that you are a florist in that area.
However if you do not wish to be displayed on the Petals Florist Directory you can remove your listing here.
To ensure we have the correct listing, first please do a search with your postcode and write down the reference number that appears in brackets after the listing. Example: SMITH'S FINE FLOWERS BATH (1925) has a reference number of 1925. You can do a search from the top right hand side of this page.
Then please send us the following information in the form below;
- the correct reference number
- your name
- your phone number and
- any & all the postcodes you are listed in