The Petals Florist Directory is part of the services to florists around the world provided by the Petals Exchange.
The Petals Florist Directory is designed to connect customers who want to have control over who executes their work and florists. Because there are a significant number of customers who want to trade this way, Petals has provided an easy to use directory of florists in our major countries.
In keeping with our philosophy of allowing you to control how you deal with the Petals Exchange, you can have a say in how heavily you want to promote your business in the Directory.
The Petals Florist Directory has several “levels” of listings that allow you to provide an increasing amount of information about your business and make sure your listing gets closer to the top.. They range from entirely free listings at the lower levels up to highly detailed promotion listing at higher levels. These higher levels can be obtained one of two way, either through trading with us or by paying a small monthly fee.To keep the Petals Florist Directory as fair as possible and to give all our florists equal exposure to customers, all listing under a certain level rotate randomly within that listing. This provides the customer with fresh information every time he comes to a specific page and gives all florists equal exposure to customers.
Florist Directory Information
Unregistered Listing
You may already have a listing in the Petals Florist Directory and may not know it. Why? Because we have included all the florists in our database into this directory for FREE wether they’re a member of Petals Network or not.
To find out if you have a FREE listing in the Petals Florist Directory do a search in the search box above for the postal code of your florist shop. If you do have a listing your shop should be listed within the unregistered category, to upgrade this listing please see the registered listing section on this page. If your shop is not listed here you can apply to be listed in the Petals Florist Directory by clicking here.
Registered Listing
Upgrade to a registered listing FREE today!
Any florists has the option to upgrade their florist shop to a registered level FREE of charge. This level has the advantage of being positioned higher than the Unregistered Listings and you are able to update your current information and assign your account a password. With this password you will be able to come back at any time and change your account details.
To upgrade to a FREE registered listing just click here and follow the prompts. You must already have a florist shop listed in the Petals Florist Directory to be able to upgrade to this level. If you do not have a listed please clicking here.
Enhanced Listing
For descriptions and previews of all listings please see the Listing Examples Section
The Petals Florist Directory has two ways to obtain an enhanced listing. These listing consist on three different level types. The levels are the Bronze level, the Silver level and the Gold level. To see examples of these level please look below. All enhanced listings are able to accept order from Petals and Direct Customers.
All enhanced listing are subject to review by Petals
Paid Listing
You can upgrade your listing to any level of enhanced listing by paying a small monthly fee or annually. This method of listing ensures you get the exact listing that you want. Once you have paid for a level of listing you cannot drop below that level listing. If you then decide to trade with the Petals-Exchange you may increase your listing but will never drop below the level listing that you have paid for.
Bronze Level
Australian $10 per month or $120 per year
Great Britain £4 per month or £48 per year
Silver Level
*** Not currently available but subject to demand ***
Australian $15 per month or $180 per year
Great Britain £6 per month or £72 per year
Gold Level
*** Not currently available but subject to demand ***
Australian $20 per month or $240 per year
Great Britain £8 per month or £96 per year
Order Exchange Listing
All florists that send orders into the Petals Exchange obtain a Bronze level listing automatically FREE of charge.
These florists can move up and down the bronze, sliver and gold listings depending on how much they trade with us. The more orders you send into Petals Exchange the higher to the top of the listings you will become and the more likely you will be to receive order in return. These florists are also able to receive order directly from Petals.
To register your interest in becoming a Petals Partner Florist please fill in a Registration of Interest here
Level Examples
Bronze Level
Appears above the registered listings
Florist Shop Name and Address,
Telephone and Fax Number,
50 characters of text to describe of your florist shop in bold,
Link to your web page,
Link to an email form (your email address in not displayed),
Link to an order page with your member number.
Silver Level
*** Not currently available but subject to demand ***
Appears above the bronze level listings
Florist Shop Name and Address,
Telephone and Fax Number,
50 characters of text to describe of your florist shop in bold,
200 characters of text and html to describe your florist shops unique characteristics and guarantee ,
Your minimum prices and delivery charges,
Link to your web page,
Link to an email form (your email address in not displayed),
Link to an order page with your member number.
Gold Level
*** Not currently available but subject to demand ***
Appears above the Silver level listings
Florist Shop Name and Address,
Telephone and Fax Number,
Image or Logo of your florist shop
50 characters of text to describe of your florist shop in bold,
200 characters of text and html to describe your florist shops unique characteristics and guarantee ,
Your minimum prices and delivery charges,
Link to your web page,
Link to an email form (your email address in not displayed),
Link to an order page with your member number.