Information About the Florist Directory - Canada and United States
About the Online Florist Directory
The Petals Florist Directory is a multi country directory designed to channel orders to local florists. Any florist can join our directory and start getting orders from customers and best of all its free! Unlike other phone directories and search engines the Petals Directory is free for all florists and provides the customer with a time saving and convenient method for customers to find you the florist.
Benefits in Joining:
- FREE Listings!
- Increase the exposure of your business
- Marketing which is inexpensive and cheap
- Become a registered Petals Lite user!
Types of Listings
Unregistered Florists
Petals provide a list of all the florists who are known to Petals. We provided this list so that customers and florists have the greatest possible choice when deciding whom to send their orders to. Unregistered florists also can use Petals Lite to send orders domestically and internationally and you'll receive an upfront 15% sending commission.
Registered Florists
Petals offers florists in North America the chance to list in our online directory by becoming a registered member. It’s quick and simple and best of all its absolutely free! Florists can list their shops contact details. Registered florists are listed at the top of our directory. Give your shop an advantage and register now!
Registration Bonus!
When you register, you'll be able to use Petals LITE to send orders both domestically and internationally. You can send floral orders using your credit card whilst receiving a 20% commission if you register. Click here to view more information about Petals Lite services for florist.
For more information about our florist services visit Petalsnet.
More information about Petals Florist Directory:
How does the Florist Directory Work?
What makes our directory special is our customer scoring and reviewing system which is offered to florists. Customers give florists a score out of five, and these are displayed on our directory page (Up to five stars can be awarded). Customers also have the option of leaving feedback on their experiences with florists. This helps others decide whom they are going to trust with their orders.
I want to remove reviews from your listing:
When signing up for a registered or member listing you are given the option to receive and display reviews. If you no longer want to allow reviews to be submitted and displayed please click here to opt out.
I want to remove your florist shop from the directory:
If you do not wish to be displayed on the Petals Florist Directory, in any of the above categories you can remove your listing by clicking here